Far-fetched claims can cost you dearly.
At Unichip, we believe that there is a big difference between modifying and tuning/optimising. In fact, to remove all doubt, at Unichip we tune and optimise, we do not modify. You may think that optimising, tuning and modifying is the same, they are not, definitely not in the Unichip sense. In fact, there are articles on the difference between these two concepts. You may read more about chip tuning balance here and about “Everything works as a unity” here. Don’t be misguided by far-fetched claims about power figures and modifications that are fit for a fairy-tale.
At Unichip, we do not deal in fairy-tale type far-fetched figures and declarations. We at Unichip use a proven and very safe method to help your car reach its full potential. With this, we refer to achieving the best power and economy for your particular engine. Let us just add, the best that your engine design allows. The problem with far-fetched claims is that if it sounds too good to be true, it most probably is. Unfortunately, people still believe in and act on these far-fetched claims, claims that can have damaging results.
Safe optimisation
Unichip safely optimises your engine and eliminates the factors that hold it back from operating efficiently. In doing so, the Unichip enables your engine to give you better power and better economy. It does this without any detrimental effect on your engine’s reliability.
Few people realise that you have leeway to alter the standard programming of your car’s ECU (engine control unit). The ingenuity of the Unichip taps into this opportunity by adapting the signals from your ECU and then optimises it. With this in mind, you can almost always improve upon your car’s standard ECU. The Unichip does not stress your engine beyond its safe design limits. It keeps an eye on engine temperatures to ensure that engines (especially turbocharged ones) always operate within safe limits. Yes, the Unichip actually turns your ECU into a supercomputer that brings out your engine’s full potential. Are these all far-fetched claims? No. We don’t make lofty and unrealistic claims. We don’t know how far from perfect your engine is and therefore how much room for improvement there is. What we do know, is that there is always some room for improvement!
Warning signs of far-fetched claims
Indeed, when people promise you huge increases in power and economy, be doubtful. This is one of the warning signs that you might stand to compromise your engine’s reliability. Remember, disproportionate improvements are not possible within the design limits of your engine without compromising something. For example, an unsafe increase in power will certainly reduce reliability and might ruin your fuel consumption. Overly lean air-fuel mixtures may reduce fuel consumption but increase engine temperatures. Above all, power is nothing without control and responsibility. This is why the Unichip carefully optimise your engine to its best ability. We do not set unrealistic goals that would require irresponsible tuning. Maximum safe and reliable power is our motto.
In conclusion, if you are in any doubt, ask and do some research. Install a Unichip and let the results speak for themselves. If you are not happy with it within three months, we will remove it and refund you gladly. Currently, more than 99.75% of people elect to keep their Unichip! That should tell you everything you want to know about Unichip. So, opt for expert optimisation today and beware unscrupulous tuners that make far-fetched claims. Get power, economy, and reliability in equal measure today, without any risk. Do not miss out. Click here to contact us and have our technicians fit your Unichip today.